Bonds that Build
Our vibrant community is only made possible by the active participation of our members. Scroll through to learn more about the numerous ways you might be called to share your talents and gifts.
These groups work with the pastor to see that the Word and Sacraments are provided on Sundays and festivals and to fulfill many of the ways we commonly express ourselves during worship.
Social Groups
These ministries and programs nurture spiritual life and strive to develop caring bonds to build God’s welcoming, vibrant church. Activities may include assisting members and friends of Ebenezer to communicate with one another, teaching us to pray for each other, developing empathy and interest in our fellow members, and extending concrete services such as meals and visits.
Education & Formation
This ministry is all about the education and faith formation of people of all ages including, but not limited to, adult education, confirmation, children’s education, and study of the scriptures.
Administrative Ministries
The members who conduct this ministry ensure responsible stewardship of physical, financial, and human resources of the congregation including the development and review of budgets, the management of the endowment, the supervision, support, and review of personnel, and the care and maintenance of the physical plant.
Community Ministries
The members who conduct this ministry are responsible for the evangelism and community service functions of the congregation including its interaction with the neighborhood and its invitation to others to participate in the life of the congregation.
Worship Ministries
These groups work with the pastor to see that the Word and Sacraments are provided on Sundays and festivals and to fulfill many of the ways we commonly express ourselves during worship. Click on any of the below categories to learn more.
+ Choir
Ebenezer is blessed with a creative director of music who knits together instrumentalists and voices in unique ways. You may join the choir (no previous experience or audition necessary) which meets every Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m., from September through May.
The choir practices most every Thursday at church at 7:00 PM, from September through early June, and sings most Sunday mornings in that same period.
+ Lectors
These volunteers read the scripture lessons during the service on a rotating schedule. Contact Bev Albert to learn more or to join the rotation.
+ Assisting Ministers
These volunteers assist the presiding minister throughout the liturgy. Contact Bev Albert to learn more or to join the rotation.
+ Communion Assistants
Communion Assistants help the presiding minister distribute Holy Communion during services. Contact Bev Albert to learn more or to join the rotation.
+ Crucifers and Acolytes
Crucifers & Acolytes lead and light the way to begin and end liturgy. Contact Bev Albert to learn more or to join the rotation.
+ Communion Preparation
While the Communion Assistants help outwardly during the liturgy, the Commuion Preparation team sets up the bread, wine, and vessels for Holy Communion behind the scenes. Contact Bev Albert to learn more or to join the rotation.
+ Bread Bakers
These volunteers bake and bring the communion bread on a rotating schedule. Contact Bev Albert to learn more or to join the rotation.
+ Children's Talk-ers
These volunteers deliver the message of the scriptures to our youngest participants during the Sunday morning service. Volunteers assist on a rotating schedule. Contact Pastor Michael to learn more or to join the rotation.
+ Ushers
These volunteers assist on a rotating schedule before and after the service to distribute bulletins, collect the offering and manage the communion queue. Contact Wes Aldridge to join the rotation.
+ Welcome Center Greeters
These volunteers provide a warm welcome during Sunday services and special events and make sure folks know where to find what they need while they’re with us. Contact Jim Bedinger to learn more.
Education & Formation
+ Prayer Team
This group receives requests for prayer via email. Names may be added or removed from the prayer list by contacting Pam Sall or email prayer(at)ebenezerchurch(dot)org. To join the prayer team, contact Pam Sall or email prayer(at)ebenezerchurch(dot)org.
+ Sunday School
Our program is an All Kids curriculum model for kids ages 4-12 together. Sunday school meets September through May at 9:45 a.m.* Parents/ caregivers can email Kris May, Chris Korn or Karen Miley to get more information about how to participate.
*Learn about online Sunday School here.
+ Adult Faith Formation
Sunday morning discussion groups. Contact Pastor Michael for more information.
+ Bible Study
Join the pastor and others each Wednesday for an online discussion of the week’s lectionary readings. Sign-up for the e-Benezer newsletter to get the online meeting link each Wednesday. For more information, contact Pastor Michael.
+ Small Groups
These groups meet monthly or bi-monthly for discussion, reflection, prayer and support. To join a small group, contact Bev Albert, Darlene Erickson, Ann H. Hicks, or Janet Lundblad. If you’re interested in leading a small group, contact Pastor Michael.
+ Confirmation
Students meet on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Thursdays of the month from 6:30-7:30pm. If you would like to sign up for confirmation or learn more about it, contact Pastor Emily Heitzman at pastoremilyh(at)gmail(dot)com.
*During the 2020-2021 school year, confirmation class is meeting on zoom.
+ Baptism
If you would like information about baptism, please contact Pastor Michael.
+ Annual Retreats
A weekend away in worship and prayer, typically held in February. Watch for announcements and sign-up information in newsletters. To support the cost of participation, contribute to retreat scholarships during the retreat registration period. Contact Darlene Erickson for more information.
Community Ministries
+ New Neighbors Resource Team
This group supports families and individuals resettling in Chicago particularly from Eritrea and Ethiopia in the months and years after resettlement agencies have concluded their support. Activities include everything from navigating bureaucracy and paperwork to throwing surprise birthday parties.
Ebenezer accepts donations of items and funds. More information is available on their Facebook group, which can be found here.
+ Tutoring
Ebenezer’s weekly tutoring program meets throughout the school year and in 2019 supported 50 students from 1st through 12th grade. We provide a meal and average 1 tutor with 2 kids for 2 hours.
Tutors and substitutes for all school grades are needed each week from September through May. Meal makers are also needed for each week. Contact Anne Goetzler to sign-up.
+ Social Justice
The members who conduct this ministry advocate for justice within the church and society, educate and organize the congregation for action consistent with the mission of this congregation, and prioritize for the members of this congregation advocacy and service among the poor and oppressed.
+ Outreach
The members who conduct this ministry are responsible for the evangelism and community service functions of the congregation including its interaction with the neighborhood and its invitation to others to participate in the life of the congregation.
Groups and programs within this ministry area include: Fall block-party organizers Welcome team God’s Work, Our Hands activities
Contact Jim Bedinger or Georgian Hadley to get involved.
+ Hospitality
Primarily these are our coffee hour hosts, but for special events it is a bit more involved. Signing-up to be a coffee hour host is as simple as bringing something snacky, making sure the plates, napkins, cups and things are set up and then cleaned up. A sign-up sheet is available in the Education Center Cafe. Watch for announcements about special events to volunteer at that time.
+ Lutheran World Relief Programs
Throughout the year Ebenezer participates in programs and donation drives organized by LWR. Check our Updates section for current information about active programs.
Social Groups
+ Youth Group
Edgewater Congregations Together Youth Group is a joint youth ministry for youth in grades 6th-12th from the neighborhood and from Ebenezer, Immanuel, and Unity Lutheran Churches in Edgewater. They gather the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month throughout the school year at 6:15pm for dinner and from 7:00-8:30pm for faith discussions, games, and worship.* Contact Pastor Emily Heitzman for more details.
*Learn about online Youth Group meet-ups here.
+ Seniors Luncheon
A monthly gathering to connect. This group may share a pot of soup or a day at the Botanical Gardens. Watch for announcements about upcoming activities or contact Marcia Smith for more information.
+ Young Adults
Edgewater Congregations Together (ECT) Young Adults Group is a joint ministry for young adults ages 18-30. We gather bi-monthly and for events or activities. For additional information, visit the Young Adults Updates section or contact Pastor Emily."
+ Book Club
This group meets monthly to discuss and reflect on a selection of books both fiction and non-fiction. All are welcome at this drop-in group. Contact Joyce Sweet for information about how to join the discussion.
+ Yarn Yak
Folks who work on yarn and stitching projects while chatting. Contact Jes Daniels for more information.
+ Crafty Lutherans
A meet-up style group of varying skill levels who participate in workdays to tackle DIY repairs and improvements around the Ebenezer campus. Recent projects include demo-ing old plasterwork, painting rooms, and reinforcing creaky pews. All are welcome at any age and ability level. Workdays are scheduled as needed. Contact Patrick Donnelly to join the notification list.
Administrative Ministries
+ Congregational Council
These volunteers are elected at the annual meeting to serve a two-year term. During the year, the Council meets monthly to discuss the governing business of the congregation. For more information, contact the 2020 Council President, Chris Korn.
+ Finance Team & Counters
Volunteers in this group meet bi-monthly to ensure responsible stewardship of financial resources of the congregation including the development and review of budgets. To volunteer, contact Brian Spitzer.
+ Facilities Team
This group maintains the campus at Ebenezer including maintenance and improvements inside and out. Volunteers meet every other month and occasionally discuss items via emails. Participation is anything from thoughtful discussion to work days to coordinating with vendors and contractors. To join the team, contact Patrick Donnelly.
+ Staffing & Administrative Oversight
These volunteers bring their experience and expertise in management and administration to provide support to the Council Executive Committee on issues related to staff and efficient management of Ebenezer’s administrative resources. This group meets annually and as needed. Contact Chris Korn for more details.
+ Communications Team
This team is responsible for collaborating with the administrative staff to prepare and distribute newsletters, coordinate announcements and manage the website. Contact Jessica Daniels to learn more and volunteer.
+ Audit Committee
This group is appointed by the Council to conduct the annual audit and provide a report to the congregation. The committee meets annually and individuals serve a three-year term. To volunteer, contact our treasurer, Michael Neff.
+ Endowment Committee
These volunteers collect and review grant requests on an annual cycle. They also encourage donations to the endowment and act as stewards of the investments. Learn more about the grant application process here. To join the committee, contact one of the current committee members.
+ Community Hospitality Team
This group acts as a liaison for non-Ebenezer groups who rent spaces. They make recommendations to the Council, staff and Facilities team regarding use of the building. They also facilitate discussion and help resolve issues. The group meets on an as needed basis and conducts most of its business via email. To learn more or get involved, contact Patrick Donnelly.