Personal Money Autobiography

These questions are meant to be a tool with which to reflect on one's relationship with and perception of money.

1. What is the earliest experience with money that you remember?

2. As a child growing up, did you feel rich or poor? Why?

3. What was your attitude toward money as a teenager? How was this influenced by peers or siblings?

4. How were your attitudes and behaviors about money shaped by your family members?

5. What role did money play in your life as a young adult? How was this influenced by a spouse or co-workers?

6. If you ever became a parent, how did your relationship with money change?

7. What is your happiest memory in connection with money?

8. What is your unhappiest memory in connection with money?

9. How does your faith guide you in your use of money?

10. How do you feel about your present financial situation compared with a past situation?

11. Are you generous or stingy with your money? In what ways?

12. How do you decide what to give to churches and other nonprofits? Why do you give to these causes?

13. What kinds of risks are you willing to take with your money?

14. What will you do with your money as you approach the end of this life?

Congregational Money Autobiography

1. What does stewardship mean in your congregation? What does it look like? How has this changed over the years?

2. What has your congregation taught you about what it means to be a steward?

3. What has your congregation taught you about financial giving: regular, special and planned?

4. What has been your most positive experience with money in the life of this congregation? What contributed to making this experience so positive?

5. What has been your most negative experience with money in the life of this congregation? What contributed to making this experience so negative?

6. How would you describe the financial status of your congregation? How has this changed over the years?

7. How does your congregation’s faith guide the ways that it uses money?

8. How does your congregation encourage people to have open and honest conversations about money and giving?

9. How does your congregation talk about money when it is not asking for it?

10. What activities or events in your congregation shape the current relationship between money and mission in your congregation?

11. Is your congregation generous? Why or why not? In what ways?

12. How does your congregation promote financial wellness in all areas, not just giving?

Ebenezer-specific reflection

Describe what you see as Ebenezer's sense of direction?

Do you think Ebenezer handles money prudently?

What are three ministry areas at Ebenezer that are most important to you?

What inspires you to give when asked? or to increase your giving? (not just church)

If you were to be asked what kind of course corrections Ebenezer needs to make, what would you say?

What are some things about Ebenezer that the pandemic revealed to you?

Is there anything else pandemic-related that you feel is important to keep in mind as we move forward?


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